Social Media Vocabulary
Viral: if a post/ video is viral or “has gone viral,” that means it is spreading very rapidly across the internet,
Troll: used as a verb and a noun. A troll is a person who purposely creates offensive or provocative posts or comments to arouse anger in other social media users.
Hater: a person who posts negative or critical comments about others
Vlogger: a person who regularly creates short videos to be posted online
Meme: a humorous image or text that is easily sent to others over the internet
Anonymity: The state of being anonymous, of people not knowing your identity
DM: direct message
Emoji: a small digital image used in social media/ emails/ text to display an emotion, object or idea
Badger: to bother someone repeatedly
Derogatory: offensive, hurtful, disrespectful
Censor: to keep certain images. Texts, etc from being displayed or published because it is offensive or immoral
Follow: to subscribe to the page of a person or business on social media
Harass: to create a hostile situation through written or verbal communication
Catfishing: the act of creating a false internet profile in order to deceive or scam someone
Grooming: preparing someone (often a minor) over the internet in order to eventually commit a sexual offense
Influencer: a person who promotes a product online to his/her followers so that they may purchase it
Photoshop: software that allows users to digitally alter their images
Filters: preset photo enhancements that users can select to apply to their images or videos
Block: stopping or banning someone from interacting with you on social media or viewing your posts/ profile
Scam: a dishonest attempt to trick or cheat you