‘It’s not what you eat, but when you eat’


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What is Intermittent fasting?

Intermittent Fasting is a way of eating which involves only consuming food within a particular time frame (for example between 12 midday – 8pm)  and not eating anything at all the rest of the time ( e.g. 8pm – 12 midday )

Is it a new fad?

Not at all. It has been around for years. Fasting is an ancient spiritual practice and its’ adherents believe that it connects the mind and body and can enhance spiritual experience.

But what about losing weight?

Many people report losing weight after intermittent fasting for a period of time, as it helps people eat few calories.

Some studies have indicated that time-restricted feeding cycles can lead to weight loss, and may even have added health benefits, such as  lowering your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Sounds too good to be true, what about the downsides?

Well, you’ll probably feel quite hungry before your fasting cycle ends and at the very least it may put you in a bad mood, and at most you could start to feel a bit light headed or dizzy. There aren’t any studies that show any long term bad effects but like with anything, if you have any medical conditions or are unsure, then you should check with your doctor first.


  1. Have you ever been on a diet? If so, did you lose any weight?
  2. Have you ever tried to fast intermittently? If so, what were the results?
  3. Is obesity a problem in your country?
  4. A new study has found that a third of the worlds population is overweight and it’s getting worse. What are your thoughts about this?
  5. What are your favourite foods?
  6. Do you think you need to make any changes to your diet?

Tell us what you think....

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