
Having a constant supply of synonyms and antonyms at your disposal, not only helps you express yourself better in every day life, but is an invaluable tool when it comes to exams, especially the IELTS. When you learn a new word…write it down, find some synonyms and antonyms, write those down too……….and start creating sentences! […]

George Orwell

george orwell

Talking About Writers and Books Have you heard of George Orwell? Do you have a favourite book or writer? George Orwell, a prominent British writer and journalist, remains one of the most influential figures in both literary and political spheres. Born Eric Arthur Blair in 1903, Orwell adopted his pen name in the 1930s, under […]

What are Euphemisms?

Euphemisms are words or phrases used to to express what we want to say without actualy saying it! Maybe we want to avoid being blunt or offensive, so they are often used to describe something in a more indirect or polite way, or to soften the impact of something that might be considered unpleasant, taboo, […]



There are so many words in the English language and you only learn them through practice and patience.

Phrasal Verbs

phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs are very important in English, and using them correctly is essential.