The Venice Biennale 2024

With massive destruction, and a huge displacement of people continuing around the globe, within Meloni’s Italy, this year’s provocatively entitled  Stranieri Ovunque (Foreigners Everywhere) at the Venice Biennale was always going to be politically charged.  What started as an anniversary present to King Umberto in 1895, the The Venice Biennale has been attracting artists with […]

Quantum mechanics: how the future might influence the past

In 2022, the Physics Nobel prize was awarded for experimental work showing that the quantum world must break some of our fundamental intuitions about how the universe works. Many look at those experiments and conclude that they challenge “locality” — the intuition that distant objects need a physical mediator to interact. And indeed, a mysterious connection between […]

The case for Globalisation Optimism


“We are suffering just now from a bad attack of economic pessimism,” wrote John Maynard Keynes in 1930, in the midst of a disintegrating global economy. He went on to describe the much better future the world could expect if it ever got its act together. Things are not so bleak today, but it is […]

The Book Club

We’ve rounded up some of our all time favourite reads. A great speaking practice is to decide which books you would like to read and practice talking about why. Here’s a great video that illustrates some of the ways you can answer and IELTS speaking question about books and reading. “1984” is a dystopian novel […]

Fracturing the Social Fabric


Uncertainty and fear are widespread emotions that can lead to a lot of mistrust and a deepening of divisions within the fabric of society.  

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