Travel and Languages

Which language in your opinion is the most important in the world nowadays and why? 

Why is it so important to know another language? 

is travel the only reason why learning another language is beneficial? 

What is the hardest part of learning a new language? 

Do you think learning another language is more important for young people and old people? 

Who finds learning a new language easier children or adults? 

Do you like travelling? …

Whom do you often spend the holiday with? …

Have you done much travelling? …

What kind of places have you visited in your life? …

When you visit new places, what do you like to do? … Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group? …

Do you often travel abroad?

What is the best season to travel in your country?

Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?

What would you recommend a foreigner to visit in your country?

What places would you like to visit in the future?

How much time do you spend travelling on a normal day?

What do you do while you are travelling?

Do you think your hometown is a good place for a holiday?

Do people in your country like to travel?


Describe a tourist attraction you once visited

You should say

When you visited it

Where is it situated

Whom you went with

and say what about it you like the most

Describe a beautiful place you once visited

You should say

when you went to this place

where it was

whom you went with

and say why you liked it so much.

Describe a short trip that you usually make (or, take) but dislike

You should say

where you travel from and to

 how often you make this trip

 why you make this trip

 and explain why you dislike this trip

Describe a trip that didn’t go as you had planned/expected

You should say

where were you travelling to

who was travelling with you

what didn’t happen according to plan

what did you do there

and explain how you felt.

A bicycle, motorbike or car trip you would like to go on in the future

You should say

Where would you like to go

How would you like to go there

Whom would you like to go with

And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike

Describe an unforgettable trip you have had

You should say

When and where you went

Who you went with

What you did there

And explain why you think it was enjoyable

Describe a time when you had to deal with a problem on vacation.

You should say:

  • what you were doing
  • what happened
  • how you solved the problem

And explain why you remember this experience.


How has travelling changed, compared to several decades ago?

Do you think travel can (or, does) change people’s ways of thinking?

What are the disadvantages of not travelling?

Travelling around your hometown

How do most people in your country travel to work?

What is the impact of vehicles on people’s lives?

 Do people in your country prefer to walk or take a car for short trips?

Are there any connections between transportation and the environment?

Does your hometown have problems connected to transportation?

What causes traffic problems in big cities?

How could these problems be solved?

Is cycling very popular in your city?

What are the differences between travelling by car and travelling by bicycle in a city?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in the city?

What are the benefits of having a good public transportation system in a city?

How will transportation in cities change in the future?

Long-distance travel

Is it easier to travel long distances today than in the past? (Why?)

How does long-distance travel today differ from the past?

Does long-distance travel have any effect on the environment?

How might long-distance travel change in the future?

How would it be like to travel to space?

What are the problems people might experience when going on a trip and what could be done to avoid/solve these problems?

What are the differences between a well-planned trip and a trip that is not well-planned?

In general, what factors should people consider when planning a trip?

What essential things do people need to take when they go on a trip?

How do people find information about places to travel to?

If you were travelling with friends, what qualities would you like them to have?

Some people prefer to go on guided tours when they travel while others prefer to travel individually. Which do you think is better?

Some people like to take a lot of things with them when they travel and other people prefer to take as little as possible. Why do you think people have this difference?


Do you think the tourism industry is very important?

What do you think has led to the growth in the tourism industry?

What benefits does tourism bring to society?

Are there any problems caused by tourism? How to address these problems?

What effects do you think international travel has on the different countries involved?

How has international travel changed in the past 20 or 30 years?

Can you suggest some things that people should and should not do when they travel to a foreign country as tourists?

Do you think that the media has many effects on tourism?

Some think it’s not necessary to go to tourist places, now that we can see these places on the internet. Do you agree?

Changes in how we travel

How do you think travelling today is different from what it was several decades ago?

In 20 or 30 years, how do you think travelling will be different from what it is today?

Modern technology and travel

In what ways has modern technology changed people’s travelling experiences?

Do you think the internet has had an effect on people’s travelling behaviour today?

If you were going on a trip, what essential modern technology would you carry, and why?

Tell us what you think....

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