Do you have any hobbies or interests?

How often do you do your hobbies?

What kind of hobbies did you have when you were a child?

Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people? Why?

How did you develop your interest in your hobby?

Have you ever tried a new hobby? What was it?

Do you think it’s important to have a balance between work and free time? Why or why not?

What kind of leisure activities do people in your country enjoy?

Do you think it’s important to try new hobbies and activities? Why or why not?

How do you usually spend your weekends?


Describe a hobby or activity that you enjoy doing in your free time.

Describe a memorable trip or vacation that you have taken.

Describe a favourite book, movie, or TV show that you have enjoyed.

Describe a creative project that you have worked on.

Describe a sport or physical activity that you enjoy.

Describe a musical instrument that you can play, or one that you would like to learn.

Describe a volunteer experience or community service project that you have participated in.

Describe a time when you learned something new or developed a new skill in your free time.

Describe a place that you like to go to relax and unwind.

Describe an experience in nature that you found particularly enjoyable.

Talk about a book you have read in the last year

You should say:

– Why you decided to read that book

– How long you it took you to finish it

– What genre of book it was

And say if you would like to read something else by the same author or not, and why

Talk about a book you have never read but would like to in the future.

You should mention:

– Why you would like to read it

– Why you have never read it before

– What you think it will be like

And say how you think it will compare to other books you have read

Talk about a book that impressed you. You should say:

– What it was about

– Why it impressed you

– If any other books have impressed you the same way

And say what kind of person you would recommend that book to, and why

Talk about a book you have at home.

You should mention:

– What it looks like

– What the topic of the book is

– Where you got the book from

And say how it compares to other books you have read or know about

Talk about a hobby you were interested in when you were a child:

You should say:

– How you first became interested in it

– How long you did it for

– Why you enjoyed it

And say if you became more or less interested in that hobby as you got older, and why

Talk about something you can do on a computer that you think is enjoyable.

You should mention:

– What equipment or software you need to do that

– What you need to do to do it

– What kind of people it is popular with

And say if you would like to spend more time doing that or not, and why

Describe a place where you often go on your days off

You should say:

– Where it is

– Who you go with

– Why you go there

And say how it compares to other places where you could spend your free time

Describe something you like doing in the evening.

You should say:

– How it makes you feel

– How often you do it

– How long you spend doing it

And say if you think most people would enjoy doing the same thing or not, and why

Talk about something that makes you excited.

You should include:

– How often you do that thing

– Where you do it

– Who you do it with

And say if other people who do the same thing feel exactly the same way or not, and why

Talk about something you often do or used to do in your free time with your family. You should say:

– Why you often did that

– Who suggested doing it

– Who enjoyed it most

And say if you’d like to do the same thing with your own kids or not, and why


How important do you think it is for people to have hobbies or activities that they enjoy in their free time?

How can hobbies and leisure activities contribute to a person’s overall well-being?

In your opinion, what are the benefits of spending time in nature?

How can people balance their work and personal lives to ensure that they have enough time for hobbies and leisure activities?

How has technology changed the way that people spend their free time?

In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of spending time alone versus spending time with others?

How can people discover new hobbies and activities that they might enjoy?

How do cultural and social norms affect the types of hobbies and activities that people pursue?

How can parents encourage their children to develop healthy hobbies and leisure activities?

How do you think people’s leisure activities might change in the future?

Tell us what you think....

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